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Google Cloud

7% Cashback All Cloud Services. Forever.
Save up to $10,000/year
Google Cloud Platform enables developers to build, test and deploy applications on Google’s reliable infrastructure.
Artificial Intelligence
Dev Tools
Startup Tools
Featured Products
Image for product Google Cloud in the marketplace NachoNacho

Google Cloud

7% Cashback All Cloud Services. Forever.
Save up to $10,000/year
Google Cloud Platform enables developers to build, test and deploy applications on Google’s reliable infrastructure.
Artificial Intelligence
Dev Tools
Startup Tools
Featured Products
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Image for product Google Cloud in the marketplace NachoNacho

Google Cloud

7% Cashback All Cloud Services. Forever.
Save up to $10,000/year
Google Cloud Platform enables developers to build, test and deploy applications on Google’s reliable infrastructure.
Artificial Intelligence
Dev Tools
Startup Tools
Featured Products
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Eligibility requirements

  • Available to existing and new account signups.
  • NachoCard is required to redeem this discount for attribution purposes.
  • Discount is provided in the form of cashback directly from NachoNacho. For questions related to your discount, please reach out to us.
  • This deal is only available for premium members.

What is Google Cloud?

Google Cloud offers a variety of services, including:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML): Google Cloud offers a number of AI and ML services that can help businesses to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and gain insights from data.
  • Data analytics: Google Cloud offers a number of data analytics services that can help businesses to collect, store, and analyze data.
  • Storage: Google Cloud offers a number of storage services that can help businesses to store their data securely and reliably.
  • Compute: Google Cloud offers a number of compute services that can help businesses to run their applications in the cloud.
  • Networking: Google Cloud offers a number of networking services that can help businesses to connect their applications and data to the cloud.

Key benefits of using Google Cloud?

  • Scalability: Google Cloud can be easily scaled up or down to meet the needs of your business.
  • Security: Google Cloud offers a number of security features that can help to keep your data safe.
  • Reliability: Google Cloud is a reliable platform that is designed to be up and running 24/7.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Google Cloud offers a number of pricing options that can help you to save money on your cloud computing costs.

Google Cloud Features

  • A wide range of services: Google Cloud offers a wide range of services that can meet the needs of most businesses.
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: Google Cloud offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, so you only pay for the resources that you use.
  • Global reach: Google Cloud has a global network of data centers, so you can access your data from anywhere in the world.
  • Ease of use: Google Cloud is easy to use and manage, even for businesses with limited IT experience.

Google Cloud Pricing

Google Cloud Discount: Existing and new users get a 7% discount on all cloud services forever.

Save 7% on your spend with our Google Cloud lifetime deal by subscribing from the NachoNacho marketplace. Discover the best GCP promo codes and discounts only with NachoNacho.

Contact us if you have any questions about this deal.

You can start using Google Cloud for free. New customers receive $300 in free credits to explore GCP services, with over 20 products available for free up to certain usage limits. Just like other cloud service providers, GCP employs a pay-as-you-go pricing structure, where users are billed only for the services they utilize, with no upfront fees or termination charges. 

Additionally, users can achieve significant savings, up to 57%, through committed use discounts for resources like Compute Engine. GCP also provides tools for cost control, including budgets, alerts, and AI-powered recommendations, alongside 24/7 free billing support. To assist with cost management, users can estimate expenses with the pricing calculator or request a custom quote from sales representatives.

Google Cloud Discount Available
7% Cashback All Cloud Services. Forever.
Save up to $10,000/year
Get 7% Cashback with our exclusive Google Cloud deal by subscribing from the NachoNacho marketplace. NachoNacho is the best way to buy SaaS with exclusive promo codes, coupons, and deals.

Google Cloud Reviews

Profile image for Kenneth Downs
Founder, USA/
Sep 10, 2024
Big fan of Google
We're a big fan of Google's services. We use Google products for practically everything in our company.
Profile image for Kameron Petersen
Jul 27, 2024
Process was quick and easy
They had me fill out a form. At first, I was skeptical, but sure enough, I was able to deal with it pretty quickly. The setup was fast, and now we're earning $7 back on every $100 we spend, which isn't small when you add it up.
Profile image for Noah Colon
Founder, USA
Jul 24, 2024
We've saved thousands
We're saving thousands with this deal. Every dollar counts since it's been tough to raise Series A, so this type of deal has helped us cut costs drastically. Thanks nacho nacho!
Profile image for Makayla Fitzpatrick
Jun 24, 2024
Glad we got this from nacho nacho
The cashback deal is amazing. We just got our first cashback and we're looking forward to saving a lot more. We spend a ton on Google Cloud.

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