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Savings of > $1mln/year available.
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Basic Plus
Save millions of dollars per year on all your software needs
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All Basic features, plus:
Access to hundreds more software discounts/perks.
Savings of > $3mln/year available!
Unlimited team members.
Sherlock: continuous monitoring of your company-wide software payments & usage.
All your spend management needs (KYC required)
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Virtual and physical credit cards to manage your SaaS/business expenses.
Get insights and view all subscriptions and transactions in your dashboard.
Manage multiple companies with a single login.
Sherlock: continuous monitoring of your company-wide software payments & usage.
Shaman: AI-powered SaaS recommendations to help you discover the best software for your specific needs.
All the goodness of Basic, Basic Plus and Advanced rolled in one!
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Complete access to all marketplace discounts. Nearly $5mln/year of savings available.
Virtual and physical credit cards to manage your SaaS/business expenses.
Get insights and view all subscriptions and transactions in your dashboard.
Manage multiple companies with a single login.