Selzy Promo Code
Deal eligibility requirements
- New account signups only.
- NachoCard is required to redeem this discount for attribution purposes.
- Discount is provided in the form of cashback directly from NachoNacho. For questions related to your discount, please reach out to us.
- This deal is only available for premium members.
What is Selzy?
At Selzy, we've cracked the code to make email marketing a breeze, especially for folks who are just getting started.
Think of us as your trusty beach cruiser in this world of high-performance road bikes.
Selzy is your go-to email marketing tool, designed to simplify things. We're all about keeping it straightforward, effective, and budget-friendly.
⭐ Easy start features
- Launch your first campaign in less than 15 minutes: use smooth drag-and-drop email builder, 140+ goal-oriented templates, and AI writing assistant!
- Have every email rated and get personalized tips to improve deliverability
⭐ Full-fledged features for your growth
- Go all in with segmentation, automation and A/B testing
- Grow your list with customizable pop-up forms
- Connect your fave tools: Shopify, WordPress, Salesforce, HubSpot, and so much more
❤️ 24/7 guidance from our team of experts
No bots or AI-assistants, only real humans with top-notch email marketing experience. They’ll answer in under 5 minutes, even if it’s 2 am, and help you sort things out via chat or email.
Key benefits of using Selzy?
Build beautiful emails
Just drag and drop to create an email from scratch or choose from 140+ templates.
Add a personal touch
Boost email conversions by adding tags with names, cities, dates, etc.
Turn visitors into subscribers
Create responsive sign-up forms to grow your audience with ease.
Track results and get better
No guesswork, just numbers. Analyze every interaction to boost your conversion.
Selzy Features
- Email Builder
- Bulk email service
- Personalization
- Signup forms
- Pop-ups
- Email analytics
- A/B testing
- Audience segmentation
- Triggered emails
- Automation
- Transactional emails
- API Integrations
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