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20% CASHBACK All Plans. Forever.
Save up to $2,000/year
Qapita is a full-stack equity management platform that enables startups to manage their Captables and global stock plans
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Image for product Qapita in the marketplace NachoNacho


20% CASHBACK All Plans. Forever.
Save up to $2,000/year
Qapita is a full-stack equity management platform that enables startups to manage their Captables and global stock plans
Accounting, Finance
Featured Products
Startup Tools
New SaaS Products
Lifetime Discounts
Deal details ↓
Image for product Qapita in the marketplace NachoNacho


20% CASHBACK All Plans. Forever.
Save up to $2,000/year
Qapita is a full-stack equity management platform that enables startups to manage their Captables and global stock plans
Accounting, Finance
Featured Products
Startup Tools
New SaaS Products
Lifetime Discounts
Deal details ↓

Eligibility requirements

  • New account signups only.
  • NachoCard is required to redeem this discount for attribution purposes.
  • Discount is provided in the form of cashback directly from NachoNacho. For questions related to your discount, please reach out to us.
  • This deal is only available for premium members.

What is Qapita?

Qapita is a leading full-stack equity management platform ranked #1 on G2 globally. Our comprehensive solutions of plan advisory, platform, valuations including 409A, financial reporting and employee engagement are helpful for startups as they commence fundraising and start granting equity to employees. 

Currently, we serve over 2,200 entities including 50+ Unicorns, facilitating cap table and global stock option plan management for more than 315,000 employees, who access their stock pools valued at ~ USD 15 billion. 

Key benefits of using Qapita?

  • Easy to set up with concierge onboarding 
  • Intuitive and configurable platform  
  • Accurate & Secure 
  • Best in class support and Add-on services. 

Qapita Features

  • Seamless issuance of share certificates and employee equity grants 
  • Configurable Captable 
  • Custom roles and access 
  • Employee dashboard for equity communication 
  • Comprehensive financial reporting 

Qapita Pricing

Basic- Free ( Upto 25 Stakeholders)  

Starter - $1000/Yr (Upto 50 Stakeholders)  

Growth - $3000/yr (Upto 75 stakeholders)  

Enterprise – Custom Pricing 

Qapita Discount Available
20% CASHBACK All Plans. Forever.
Save up to $2,000/year
Get 20% CASHBACK with our exclusive Qapita deal by subscribing from the NachoNacho marketplace. NachoNacho is the best way to buy SaaS with exclusive promo codes, coupons, and deals.

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