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What is PowerYou AI?
Transform your daily life with our AI-powered personal operating system. Simplify tasks, receive personalized guidance, and gain the emotional support you need to thrive. Design a life you love with ease and confidence!
4.8-Star Rating on the Apple App Store
Key benefits of using PowerYou AI?
AI-powered personal operating system to support better decision-making, productivity, resilience, and growth mindset through:
Unlock Self-Knowledge: Intelligent conversations with your AI copilot (Kris).
Discover New Journeys: Individualized journeys that help you grow and confront personal and professional challenges.
Take Actions with Friends: Gamified experience that brings like-minded people together.
Your Information Stays Safe: We keep your information secure and private, never used for public LLM training.
Powered by Multimodal AI: Our platform leverages multimodal AI solutions to provide you with an exceptional user experience.
Built by our Members, for our Members: We understand your journey because we’ve been there too. We’re here to help you succeed.
PowerYou AI Features
Included with your membership:
- Unlock self-help knowledge.
- Discover new personal growth journeys.
- Take action for your personal growth with friends.
- Voice calls and unlimited texts with Kris, our helpful AI-powered coach.
- Access monthly live events and workshops to help you achieve your personal goals.
PowerYou AI Pricing
50% Off First-Year Annual Plan for Founders & C-Suite
Equip your leadership team with the tools to succeed. Get 50% off the first year of our All-Access Membership, designed exclusively for individual founders and C-suite executives. This package includes access to personalized optimization workflows, team-building resources, and productivity tracking tools—all tailored to empower high-impact decision-makers.
PowerYou AI Discount Available
PowerYou AI Reviews