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Atlassian for Startups

12 Months Free All Products. Up to 50 Users.
Save up to $10,000
Empowering teams with collaboration software like Jira, Confluence, and Trello for software, IT, and business projects.
Project Management
Office Tools, Admin
Dev Tools
New SaaS Products
Startup Tools
Image for product Atlassian for Startups in the marketplace NachoNacho

Atlassian for Startups

12 Months Free All Products. Up to 50 Users.
Save up to $10,000
Empowering teams with collaboration software like Jira, Confluence, and Trello for software, IT, and business projects.
Project Management
Office Tools, Admin
Dev Tools
New SaaS Products
Startup Tools
Deal details ↓
Image for product Atlassian for Startups in the marketplace NachoNacho

Atlassian for Startups

12 Months Free All Products. Up to 50 Users.
Save up to $10,000
Empowering teams with collaboration software like Jira, Confluence, and Trello for software, IT, and business projects.
Project Management
Office Tools, Admin
Dev Tools
New SaaS Products
Startup Tools
Deal details ↓

Eligibility requirements

  • Your company is not an existing Atlassian paid customer
  • VC-funded or associated with a partner accelerator
  • Have not raised more than US$10 million in external funding
  • If your company meets the criteria above, you are eligible to apply for Atlassian for Startups and, if approved, you get included Atlassian Cloud products for $0 for 12 months for up to 50 users, except for Jira Product Discovery, which includes 10 free creator users and unlimited contributors.

What is Atlassian for Startups?

Atlassian provides collaboration software for software teams, IT teams, and business teams. Their project management and communication tools can help you improve productivity, transparency, and collaboration across your teams.

Key benefits of using Atlassian for Startups?

Some of the features of Atlassian products include:

  • Jira: Helps development teams plan, track, and release software.
  • Confluence: A team wiki and content collaboration platform.
  • Trello: A visual collaboration board for projects and tasks.
  • Bitbucket: A Git repository management tool.
  • Jira Service Management: Software for IT teams to deliver great service.

Atlassian for Startups Features

  • Flexible project management
  • High-velocity service delivery
  • Capture & prioritize ideas
  • Enhanced cloud security
  • Knowledge, all in one place
  • Organized & visualized work
  • Optimize software health
  • Quick, async video updates
Atlassian for Startups Discount Available
12 Months Free All Products. Up to 50 Users.
Save up to $10,000
Get 12 Months Free with our exclusive Atlassian for Startups deal by subscribing from the NachoNacho marketplace. NachoNacho is the best way to buy SaaS with exclusive promo codes, coupons, and deals.

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