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Demystifying AI and Its Potential for Businesses

Live webinar, Wednesday, July 24 | 1:00-2:00pm EST

How do you separate the hype from real innovation?  How can you actually use AI to help manage and grow your business?

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay, but...

How do you separate the hype from real innovation?  How can you actually use AI to help manage and grow your business.
Come join our panel of experts from  NVIDIA,, and Hyperbound to demystify the opportunities and pitfalls of AI.  In this session, our panelists will cover what’s possible with AI today (including what’s overhyped) and will leave you with actionable tips on how you can successfully roll out AI within your organization.

Featured Speakers

Jia Li

Jia Li

Jia is the Co-Founder, President, and Chief AI Officer of LiveX AI, specializing in AI Agents for customer experience. She is an IEEE Fellow for Leadership in Large Scale AI and co-taught the inaugural Generative AI and Medicine course at Stanford University, where she held multiple roles including Adjunct Professor.

Jia was the Founding Global Head of R&D at Google Cloud AI and is the Co-founder and Chairperson of HealthUnity Corporation. She briefly served as a part-time Chief AI Fellow at Accenture and has mentored founders at StartX as a Professor-in-Residence.

Atul Raghunathan

Atul Raghunathan

Atul is the Founder & CRO of Hyperbound (YC S23), an AI sales roleplay and upskilling product for large sales teams. He is a Machine Learning engineer by background and was formerly part of the Meta Ads algorithm team.

Atul has extensive experience in tech, working on various machine learning and AI projects. He is passionate about leveraging AI to enhance sales processes and team performance. Atul also mentors startups, helping them scale their AI capabilities.

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Chris currently works on the Inception ecosystem team at NVIDIA, bridging NVIDIA and the startup world. He has held roles at 500 Startups, IBM, PWC, and NYU.

Chris has extensive experience building and running global accelerators, working in early-stage VC, fostering startup/corporate collaborations, and leading brand ecosystems. His expertise includes managing accelerators and incubators and driving innovation in various sectors.

Learn more about the NVIDIA Inception Program.

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